Wine Up Gallery Crawl 6/4/2004



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Wine Up in NoDa Gallery Crawl

Date: Friday, June 4, 2004
Location: Wine Up in North Davidson Street Disctrict in Charlotte, NC
Purpose: Gallery Crawl gig
Attendance: About 80 to 100

This was a really good gig. It was the beginning of NoDa's Queen of Arts festival and it was Gallery Crawl night. Lots of folks were milling around because of the art exhibits..and several of my friends just happened to see my name on the sign out front, and came in to check out the show. Coupled with my regulars and the regulars at the venue, we had a really good turnout for this show.

This show commemorated my website's reaching 5,000 unique visitors a month! I gave away free CD samplers to all who joined my mailing list.

Much to everyone's suprise, I unveiled two new spoken word pieces. The crowd really seemed to like them--I had several folks to tell me that they liked the spoken word pieces best. However, I think I freaked out one of the club owners. Apparently, she didn't quite understand what I was doing, and was upset enough to walk out! In the end, though, I think everything worked out. My friends, Rita, Lori, Jennifer, Lori, Craig, Jeremy, Bernard, Karen filled in the front table, and we kept each other laughing for the whole show. Thanks so much for the lovely "Vanna White" impersonation by Rita during "Subterranean Homesick Blues", as always are fabulous!!!

Thanks to everyone who came. I had a blast!


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